

February 28, 2012

And that’s what students did this past Motzei Shabbos at “The Motzei Shabbos Chill”. Video games, Madden, slushie and smoothie making, Dance Dance Revolution the Jewish version, board games, pizza, sushi, and just hanging out and more. Reaction post Motzei Shabbos? “That was fun.” Now repeat a few dozen times and you’ll get the idea.

Searching for Happiness in Adar

February 23, 2012

The month of Purim is most known for the phrase משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה (Mishenichnas Adar marbin b’simcha!) and Rabbi Cohen spoke about our seemingly elusive search for happiness. We live in a country, in an age, where everyone is looking for happiness and yet they can’t seem to find it. Rabbi Cohen said that happiness comes from feeling validated, from feeling that you are on the right track and doing the right thing. As Jews, through the Torah – our guide – we can reach happiness.

Chodesh Tov! (and Sameach!)

Our Football Team

February 22, 2012

by: Dean Herb Ratner

As the football season ends and the college recruiting begins, we must pay due to the Lander College for men football team. Well, Lander College for Men doesn’t actually have an official football team, but I have worked long and hard to mold these men into loyal Ducks fans. I believe I have been fairly successful. As a University of Oregon graduate, you understand I had to… so now there are 300 Jewish kids in Queens rooting for the University of Oregon Ducks. And who knows, maybe that’s why they’ve been playing so well this season! Go Ducks!

Welcome back bingo

February 08, 2012

In a tie a wheel was spun and the contestants had to compete in the way chosen (Price is Right, Dance Off, Speech Off, Physical Challenge, Quick Find, Mental Challenge). And of course, there were prizes.

Chocolate Fountains, Dried Fruit and Tu b’shvat Torah

February 08, 2012

Celebrating Tu b’Shvat in style, LCM brought in a popcorn machine, chocolate fountain and dried fruit, to be enjoyed along with Torah at Rabbi Bamberger’s Tu b’Shvat tisch last night.

Post finals/Pre-vacation breather

January 05, 2012

Students climbed out of their holes, clawed their way out of the library and saw the light of day (or evening) as they gathered for Rabbi Bamberger’s tisch to sigh with relief at the end of finals and look forward to a little vacation (and talk a little Torah).

Lander Fashions

December 25, 2011

The latest in Lander fashion-ware. And it keeps you warm. This year’s chanukah present to LCM students is….

earmuffs! can be worn with any kippah – velvet, suede or knit, black hat or baseball cap.

(And for extra points – can you guess the model sporting this latest fashion accessory?)

And on the second night of Chanukah…

December 23, 2011


Chanukah by the numbers

December 22, 2011

11: rabbis dancing
44: participants in the dreidel contest 
3: winners of the dreidel contest 
11: rabbis/deans dancing 
7: entries into the menorah contest 
120: minutes spent dancing
5: Lander Band members playing or singing
30: trays of food hauled in and consumed

Memory and Representation

December 14, 2011

Yesterday’s Psychology Club speaker, Dr. Moses, spoke about the tension between memory which is private and representation which is the public memorial, and he grapples with the ethics involved in it. He questioned whether the ends of memorializing justify the often intrusive means. Dr. Moses worried that the true memory of his son, the private memories, would be somehow washed away by the media storm and the representation. It was a thought-provoking speech, but perhaps most moving was when Dr. Moses read the passage from his book describing the mass funeral for the victims with the parents sitting on the same benches their sons had sat upon and the bodies of the boys passing before them. “Clichéd as it might sound,” Joshua Goldstein, President of the Psychology Club, says, “hearing Dr. Moses speak reinforces the need to appreciate life. Because it can be taken away in a second.”