
Building a Civil Engineering Career

July 25, 2024

Moses Jeremiah Rybstein, LCM–Grove School of Engineering 2026, has always wanted to design and manage infrastructure projects that enhance society, including bridges, train stations and airports. Rybstein shares how Touro is helping prepare him for a career as a civil engineer and offers advice for other students interested in the field.

Dr. Henry Abramson Named Dean of Touro’s Lander College for Men

July 23, 2024

Dr. Henry Abramson was named dean of Touro’s Lander College for Men, Touro President Dr. Alan Kadish announced today. Most recently, Dr. Abramson served as dean at the Lander College of Arts and Sciences and the Machon L’Parnasa Institute for Professional Studies in Brooklyn and previously, he was dean of Touro’s Florida campus.

Connecting Futures: Touro Finance Alumni Network's Second Gathering

July 22, 2024

Nearly 100 members of the Touro Finance Alumni Network gathered last month at the Touro University campus in Times Square for its second annual event. Billed as an evening to expand professional networks, learn from other alumni in the business world and help rising undergraduate finance students, Touro graduates in finance roles at UBS, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Deloitte, Prudential, PwC and other top firms, as well as some current students got to know one another and made professional connections over sushi.

Dov Brodkin Named Touro University Valedictorian

May 21, 2024

Shortly after moving to Queens from Portland, Oregon, to begin college, Dov Brodkin whose family now lives in Monmouth County,  was walking away from a local store where he had stopped to pick up a box of donuts. Just then a homeless man appeared to ask for money, but Dov told the man all he was carrying was his debit card; Dov offered to share his donuts instead which the hungry man happily accepted. Following the encounter, he was struck by the look in the man’s eyes, “a mixture of deep, sincere gratitude and connection.”

Yeshiva Students Make Their Case at Model Beis Din Competition

April 09, 2024

How far can an individual go toward protecting his property from a thief? Would he be justified in setting a trap that could result in severe injury for the guilty party? And could such preventative measures even be considered a mitzvah?

Science Olympiad Brings Yeshiva High School Students to Lander College for Men

March 19, 2024

New York, NY—More than 160 students from 11 yeshiva high schools across New York and New Jersey competed this week in The Jewish Education Project Science Olympiad competition, hosted by Lander College for Men (LCM), Touro University. They spent hours vying for the top spot and at the end of the day. SAR High School finished first, with North Shore Hebrew Academy coming in second, followed by The Frisch School and DRS Yeshiva High School, respectively.

Career Ready: Alumni Offer Guidance in Annual Alumni Dinner Series

February 20, 2024

Maintaining a high GPA is critical to success in college, but networking skills are key to professional and career success. At Touro’s Lander College for Men (LCM), students are primed for both. Top academics are combined with opportunities to interact with alumni who are excelling in their fields. Last week, dozens of dedicated alumni returned to Lander to share their professional experiences with 150 current students. Over the course of “Lander Career Week,” students attended dinners with accomplished LCM alumni in various professions, including medicine, law, accounting, dentistry, finance, computer science, psychology, actuarial studies and engineering.

Changing Lives Through Medicine

December 04, 2023

Aharon Price, LCM 2024, shares the important reason he chose reproductive medicine as a career and the many ways Touro is helping him prepare for his professional journey.

Bridging Wisdom and Faith

November 27, 2023

Gabe Lovy, a pre-law student and active member of the Student Government Organization at Touro’s Lander College for Men, shares his thoughts and a range of perspectives from other student leaders on the school’s Chizuk Chaburahs—where the intellectual and spiritual converge.

Lander College for Men Launches New Program for Sephardic Students

October 25, 2023

A new Sephardic Program made its debut at the Lander College for Men (LCM) Beis Medrash L’Talmud this fall. The program will serve Sephardic students by providing unique offerings that respect their rich and vibrant customs and culture while seamlessly integrating them into the rest of the yeshiva’s programs with their Ashkenazi peers.